Sunday, February 22, 2015

Oscar Predictions 2015

Welcome to the worst Oscar season of the current century. It all started when the real best film of the 2014, Boyhood, got unanimous critical praise. Why wouldn’t it? It’s one of the greatest movies ever made. Then the awards followed. Golden Globes, Critics Choice Awards. It seemed like a done deal.

Friday, February 20, 2015

20 Best Films of 2014

(Apologies for the typos ahead)

2014 was not the greatest year for movies. This doesn't mean it did not offer great films, it did. When it came to the year taking cinema further, it made significant contributions but it wasn't a memorable year. At the awards, films that ended up being called best turned out to be major disappointments. At the box office, films that deserved to have a good run, ended up collapsing and films that have no business making pot-loads of money, ended up topping the charts. Of course, there are always movies that deserve to be seen by more people, that deserve to make the money it made and deserve all the praise and awards it's getting. I'll be talking about those mainly.