THOR (2011)
I’ll be doing a great, good and bad kind of review for this one. This won’t be the most eloquent, traditional review so bear with me.
The Great

· The Drama. Kenneth Branagh taking a leaf out of the Shakespeare adaptations he directed, (Hamlet and Henry V being his best) gives us some of that magnificent unadulterated drama in the father-son story. “You are an old man and a fool!” “You are a vain greedy cruel boy!” Naaaice!
· The visual effects. Outstanding. It looked fresh and had the perfect fantastical feel.
· Jeremy Renner’s Hawkeye cameo!! (You say it was pointless and down comes a hammer!)
· Anthony Hopkins’ King Odin. Who else could have played that part?
· The Iron Man reference made me laugh out loud. So did Jane Foster's appreciation of Thor's look. (This film was quite funny, non?)
The Good
· I really liked Tom Hiddleston’s Loki and his don’t-know-whether-he’s-bad-or-good kind of character. We needed a new kind of villainy and here it is. Full marks to Branagh and the writers too.
· The humor. Came out of nowhere but only enhanced the film.
· Chris Hemsworth IS Thor. He totally nailed it.
· Natalie Portman and Kat Dennings - TWO good-looking women playing scientists which means two good-looking women with brains.
· Stellan Skarsgaard fulfilling his Nordic duties with aplomb playing Dr. Erik Selvig.
· Stan Lee cameo! (Duh)
The Bad
· The love story between Jane Foster (Portman) and Thor didn’t a have a “bridge” between infatuation and “I’ll come back for you” kind of love. But then again, love “just happens”, no?
· Thor’s character development. From an arrogant prick to self-sacrificing human loving god. Again, very abrupt. But then again he’s a god. He could change character in an instant, no?
· The ending seemed too preoccupied with the forthcoming The Avengers film. An amazing fight scene in the middle made my expectations rise for a thunderous climax and a possible fight sequence between Thor and Laufey, the ruler of the giants from Jotunheim. I wanted something that completely blows you away but all we got was a probable tributary to the upcoming Avengers Ocean and a kind of a cliffhanger.
It isn’t the greatest superhero movie like The Dark Knight (which.. is.. the.. greatest superhero movie ever) but it isn’t a lesser one either. I had a great time watching this film. It is mystical, funny, visually majestic and lots of fun. All in all, Thor is a worthy entry in the ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ movies. Can’t wait for Captain America!!
Rating: *** out of *****
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